An Attitude of Gratitude

If your year’s been like mine, it may feel like 2016 just got started. So naturally, looking at the calendar only to discover that there are less than 60 days until it ends can lead to mild heart palpitations. There are probably things on your New Year’s...
Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

  In the age of “rise & grind”, “hustling” and “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” I think it’s safe to say our generation is consumed with obtaining success. This could be for a multitude of reasons 1) Our generation is characterized by taking risks and not waiting...
Fear of the Future

Fear of the Future

We’re only two weeks away from selecting a president from two of the most polarizing candidates this nation has seen and I can’t help but notice more than their politics and beliefs, conversations have moved straight to what we’re going to do as a...

The Fear of People

I really like listening to the radio. Call it comfort or habitual thinking but there’s just something about getting in the car and riding to the sounds of my favorite worship song that calms me. Recently, while I was listening to a local gospel station, a sermon...