I always tell people my faith journey began in the spring of 2009, when, much to my dismay I decided to attend the University of Missouri.

Prior to choosing, I’d been convinced that I’d attend a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). However, little financial aid and slow response times from the universities I was considering made it clear pretty quickly that God had other plans for me.

I remember sitting on the couch in my parents living room, crying “Why doesn’t God care about what I want?” If only I knew how quickly those words would come back to bite me.

A few months later when I stepped foot onto Mizzou’s campus I realized this was going to be the college of my dreams.

faith, college, black girls with purpose,

While I was there, I fell deeper in love with journalism and the overall art of storytelling.

I made huge improvements in my writing and developed a love for laying out magazines. I also met my best friends and went on countless road trips with them.

I starting dating my would be husband who taught me the power of patience and effective communication.

Lastly, I studied abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina which unlocked my love for traveling.


When you take the leap?


These three things are just a glimpse into the ways that first leap of faith blessed me. To this day, I still regret believing that my plans could be better than God’s plans for me.

I believe all of us have had trouble taking leaps of faith even when we know God’s working all things out for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28). We ask “Is this the right move?” “God are you sure?” Thankfully, He is patient with us and sometimes will even provide confirmations until our calling is fully understood.

The great part of walking in faith is usually the results lead to blessings. These blessings are always “exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). They not only bless us but they bless our communities. And that’s where we’ll pick up next week.

Want to read more about my faith journey? Pre-order my NEW book Walking on Water – A 21-Day Devotional on Faith set to release 2018! You can pre-order today through my Kickstarter campaign